A continuous multi-year programme of customer driven innovation, designed to add-value to your investment in SIMS. Discover the next generation of school MIS.

Medical Tracker

The online accident book for schools.

The online accident book for schools.

Record and track incidents, medication and more. Medical Tracker replaces paper-based accident books. Centralising all pupil medical history, parent contact details and first aid records in one place, online. Medical Tracker saves staff time, improves safety, ensures DfE and HSE compliance and helps schools to be paperless.

Save school staff time and go paperless

Medical Tracker removes paper-based, ineffective methods of recording first aid incidents. All medical injuries, illnesses and incidents are recorded online, in one place. Making monitoring injury hotspots, frequent first aid visitors or patterns of illness possible in one click. First aid admin time is significantly reduced with automated parent emails to notify of injury and follow up care given.

Improve pupil and staff safety

Creating first aid and medical reports has never been easier. School leaders and governors can create detailed reports simply, giving greater visibility across the school or trust. Trust CEOs can monitor several sites from one platform, proactively improving health and safety processes.

Ensure DfE and HSE compliance

All first aid incident reports are recorded with DfE and HSE mandatory drop down boxes. Ensuring consistency school-wide with no concern for missed information, spelling errors or illegible handwriting. Accident investigation is streamlined with all information stored securely centrally.

Request more information

To find out more about Medical Tracker and SIMS, click below to get in touch.