A continuous multi-year programme of customer driven innovation, designed to add-value to your investment in SIMS. Discover the next generation of school MIS.


A single sign-on solution for your school.

SIMS ID makes running cloud services and SIMS Next Gen effortless by providing teachers, staff and pupils with a single login to access multiple local and cloud based applications. User permissions are managed centrally to ensure that your school's systems are secure, saving you valuable time and resource.

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Access your local and cloud services through a user-friendly launchpad

Teachers, staff and pupils only need to remember one password and can access services seamlessly from whichever device they choose to use through a user-friendly launchpad. SIMS ID simplifies school-wide access to cloud documents, email, shared files, video calling, instant messaging, notes and all the other virtues of a shared environment. Enjoy the added convenience of having your SIMS timetables show in your Office365 and Google calendars. 

Integrates with Google and Office 365, SIMS calendar and timetable synchronisation and other cloud services.

Guidance on setting up Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Teams for Education can be found here.

Save time and money managing user permissions

User permissions can be managed effortlessly. All accounts are created automatically from the data in SIMS, with a simple set-up of permissions for both new and existing users ensuring correct access levels across different systems. Local Active Directory accounts and cloud services are automatically provisioned and you can add multiple users in a single click saving valuable time and resources. Users also have the ability to manage and reset their own passwords, saving valuable time for your technical staff. 



Keep your systems and data safe and secure

Centralisation of user administration adds critical control over access to systems where sensitive information is involved. SIMS ID provides clear audit trails to assist you in maintaining the security of your systems and data. Should you need to revoke a user’s permissions - for example, when a member of staff leaves - you can do this easily across all services in one go.

Choose an option that best meets your needs

You can choose between SIMS ID Light and SIMS ID Standard, depending on the package that best meets your school's needs. If you're only looking to simplify access to your cloud services, then SIMS ID Light is for you. This service enables SIMS ID for your cloud services only, whilst still including seamless integration with SIMS. For a solution that also includes Local Active Directory account provisioning, SIMS ID Standard offers single sign-on from desktop to cloud.

Get in touch to find out more

To find out how SIMS ID could benefit your school get in touch using the requests below.