Selecting options online is convenient and easy for students and their parents, and will save you time and paperwork. With SIMS Options you can manage the whole process with ease. Setting up your plan and pathways is simple, and once students have chosen their options these are automatically fed back into SIMS and classes are created quickly for you.
Intuitive and convenient
Students, parents and applicants benefit from the convenience of being able to select their GCSE or A-level, IGCSE or IB choices online, through a simple intuitive portal. They can find out about the subject options, make selections from their assigned pathway, list subjects in order of preference and add reserves, as well as add comments for the school administrator. Submissions are instantly fed back into SIMS.

Seamless management
It is easy to set up your options plan and pathways in SIMS Options and share it with your students online. Classes are created automatically, allowing you to define class size, grouping preferences and much more. You can also include applicant students from other schools in the process. With SIMS Options you can accurately keep track of progress in real-time and ensure that important information does not go astray.

Improve efficiency and save time
Save countless hours of administration time by taking your options process online. You no longer need to manually input, collate and sort each individual submission as SIMS Options does this automatically for you. School staff will be able to sit down with the student, go through their options and answer any queries, with all the required information instantly available in the software. SIMS Options frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other priorities.

How SIMS Options helps
Senior leaders
Provide the best service for students and parents, whilst saving valuable staff time and resource.
Classes and blocks are automatically created, simplifying the whole process, while the manual override function ensures you have total control.
Save hours of time inputting, collating and sorting your options submissions.
SIMS Options makes the whole process of selecting options really simple. It enables pupils and parents to choose their options over the web, and so eradicates the filing and collating of individual submissions. This keeps the timetablers happy too by releasing precious hours of their time.
Geoff Worth, Head of Management Information and Data Infrastructure, Pate's Grammar School
Part of the SIMS Curriculum Management Suite
The SIMS Curriculum Management Suite enables you to manage student options conveniently, create your timetable efficiently, easily allocate students to classes, organise cover, and ensure you're really optimising your school's resources and facilities.