Parental engagement is a 360° solution

SIMS all-in-one Parental Engagement solution seamlessly brings parents, students and schools together. With the parental engagement software and mobile app everyone can access information immediately from any device, in real-time, in and out of the classroom. Relevant information can be shared with appropriate team members quickly and easily via SIMS. Because SIMS is at the heart of the school data ecosystem, we are best placed to equip parents, learners and schools with efficient tools and personalised guidance.

Parental Engagement for Students

Parental Engagement for Parents

Parental Engagement for Schools

Student Solution

Tech-savvy students need to be engaged through technology.

The SIMS student app provides an easy way for schools to update their pupils, giving them access to everything they need to succeed in one single place, across any device.

Parental Engagement for Parents

Parental Engagement for Schools

Parent Solution

Parents need insight into their child's education.

Our all-in-one solution gives busy parents updates on their child’s progress so that they can support the efforts of the school. Not only does this drive the child’s academic success, but it makes for meaningful conversation between parent and child, supporting student wellbeing and their overall happiness.

Parental Engagement for Students

Parental Engagement for Schools

School Solution

Schools need the support of the parents.

The world of teaching is becoming increasingly complicated; a lack of funding, behavioural issues, staff shortages and increased demands from Ofsted are all putting great strain on teachers. In such trying times, teachers and parents must be united to secure the child's success.

Parental Engagement for Students

Parental Engagement for Parents

Parental engagement is a 360° solution

School Parent Student

SIMS all-in-one Parental Engagement solution seamlessly brings parents, students and schools together. With the parental engagement software and mobile app everyone can access information immediately from any device, in real-time, in and out of the classroom. Relevant information can be shared with appropriate team members quickly and easily via SIMS. Because SIMS is at the heart of the school data ecosystem, we are best placed to equip parents, learners and schools with efficient tools and personalised guidance.

Tech-savvy students need to be engaged through technology.

The SIMS student app provides an easy way for schools to update their pupils, giving them access to everything they need to succeed in one single place, across any device.

Parents need insight into their child's education.

Our all-in-one solution gives busy parents updates on their child’s progress so that they can support the efforts of the school. Not only does this drive the child’s academic success, but it makes for meaningful conversation between parent and child, supporting student wellbeing and their overall happiness.

Schools need the support of the parents.

The world of teaching is becoming increasingly complicated; a lack of funding, behavioural issues, staff shortages and increased demands from Ofsted are all putting great strain on teachers. In such trying times, teachers and parents must be united to secure the child's success.

Complete 360° solution

Our parental engagement solution is powered by a combination of our powerful communication products to deliver a complete 360®.

Each product works in sync to effectively bridge the parent-teacher communication gap.

Parent Student Schools

SIMS Parent App - A convenient way to communicate with parents

The SIMS Parent app offers a convenient parent and pupil communication solution making it easier than ever to stay in touch. Improving parental involvement is simpler as attendance data, behaviour, homework reminders, school reports and information about extra-curricular activities is all accessible from a smartphone, tablet or PC, and can be customised to suit your school.

SIMS InTouch - Two-way communication

Good communication is key to a school running effectively. SIMS InTouch provides you with a complete staff and parent communication solution. Send email, text and instant messages directly from SIMS. It’ll help you to reduce administration, save time and money, improve parental engagement and ensure staff are always up-to-date.

Coming soon - our new online payment solution

Powerful features

Two-way communication Schools can send messages to parents and students via the InTouch’s text messaging and email function.
Manage extra-curricular activities Schedule activities and promote their adoption to parents and students.
Encourage student learning Share achievement, behaviour reports, attendance and test results easily.
Keep on top of homework Teachers can set homework, attach supporting documents and collect student submissions.
Accurate data collection Comply with GDPR requirements and encourage parents to send up-to-date information on their child. Notifications can be pushed out to remind parents to update student data.

The time we lost on communicating with parents was enormous. We've now reduced that job down from something that filled all day, every day, to filling just over half a day, so that's a big saving for us.

Jo Hockton, Data Management, Sponne School


Discover more about Parental Engagement

Why Parental Engagement has to be an All-School Journey

Inform parents

Convenient for parents on-the-go Accessible form a smart phone, tablet or PC.
Automated alerts provide a real-time update of the child's progress Insight allows parents to address any issues at home.
Reduced paperwork for busy parents Consent for schools trips, extra-curricular activities etc. can be given over the app.
Communication platform empowers parents to speak-up No longer a need to bank worries until parents' evening.
Improves the child's security Parents can send the most up-to-date information on the child so that the school don't unknowingly overlook a change in the child's needs.

Complete 360° solution

Our parental engagement solution is powered by a combination of our powerful communication products to deliver a complete 360®.

Each product works in sync to effectively bridge the parent-teacher communication gap.

Parent Student Schools

SIMS Parent App - A convenient way to communicate with parents

The SIMS Parent app offers a convenient parent and pupil communication solution making it easier than ever to stay in touch. Improving parental involvement is simpler as attendance data, behaviour, homework reminders, school reports and information about extra-curricular activities is all accessible from a smartphone, tablet or PC, and can be customised to suit your school.

SIMS InTouch - Two-way communication platform

Good communication is key to a school running effectively. SIMS InTouch provides you with a complete school communication solution. Send email, text and instant messages directly from SIMS. It’ll help you to reduce administration, save time and money, improve parental engagement and ensure staff are always up-to-date.

Coming soon - our new online payment solution

Powerful features

Supports GDPR data accuracy Parents can electronically review and request changes to the data held on them using the easy-to-use app.
Reduced need to call or write If an issue arises, parents can message, email or text a school. There is no longer the need to take time off work to go into the school. Speaking to the school has never been easier.
On-demand progress updates Access to progress overviews, assessment results and more are just a few clicks away. Parents are no longer reliant upon their children to act as messenger.
Sign your child up to extra-curricular activites Sign-up to and stay informed of school activities.

It's so useful to be able to see how my daughter is progressing, without having to contact the teachers directly. I worry she might not be keeping on top of her homework and now I use the SIMS Parent app, it alerts me if a piece has not been handed in, meaning I have a much more informed conversation with my daughter at home!

Year 7 Parent, Goffs Academy


Discover more about Parental Engagement for parents

Why Parental Engagement has to be an All-School Journey

Driving Parental Engagement through the SIMS Parent app

Empowers schools

Unparalleled education knowledge SIMS has 30+ years specialist experience in education software and school outcomes.
Get rid of multiple systems One interface for all your parent and student communications which are naturally integrated into SIMS.
Reduce security risk By building on SIMS directly, you don't need to share your school data with any other partners.
Save time through improved workflow We understand your data and administrative processes better than anyone and have developed time-saving tools which are fully compliant and aligned to statutory returns.
Accessible anytime, anywhere Simple, intuitive controls to manage the solution - adapt to your context.

Complete 360° solution

Our parental engagement solution is powered by a combination of our powerful communication products to deliver a complete 360®.

Each product works in sync to effectively bridge the parent-teacher communication gap.

Parent Student Schools

SIMS Parent App - A convenient way to communicate with parents

The SIMS Parent app allows schools to easily communicate with parents and students. Engaging parents is simpler as attendance data, behaviour, homework reminders, school reports and information about extra-curricular activities is all accessible from a smart phone, tablet or PC, and can be customised to suit your school.

SIMS InTouch - Two-way communication platform

Good communication is key to a school running effectively. SIMS InTouch provides you with a complete school communication solution. Send email, text and instant messages directly from SIMS. It’ll help you to reduce administration, save time and money, improve parental engagement and ensure staff are always up-to-date.

Coming soon - our new online payment solution

Powerful features

Make cost-savings SIMS InTouch decreases the money and time spent making phone calls and sending letters home to parents.
Track attendance data Follow up on student absence to ensure pupil safety. Unifying the parent and school improves attendance and drives student success.
Celebrate success Let parents know what their child has achieved in the day.
Have meaningful conversation Giving parents up-to-date information on their child’s school life allows for more meaningful conversation at home and during parents’ evening. Parents have the insight needed to help support the school’s efforts.
Evidence your excellence Schools can use the data collected by the SIMS parental engagement suite to evidence high teaching standards to Ofsted.

It offers our parents easy and convenient access to attainment, attendance and achievement records via their smartphones. We anticipate achieving even greater levels of parental engagement.

Steve Floyd, Network and System Manager, Goffs Academy


Discover more about Parental Engagement for Schools

Why Parental Engagement has to be an All-School Journey

Driving Parental Engagement through the SIMS Parent app

Engage with students

On-the-go guidance Students can check their timetable and homework tasks.
Instant updates Alerts for homework deadlines and sign up to the latest school activities drives academic attainment.
Progress reports Students can track their progress, latest test results and receive feedback on their work.

Complete 360° solution

Our parental engagement solution is powered by a combination of our powerful communication products to deliver a complete 360®.

Each product works in sync to effectively bridge the parent-teacher communication gap.

Parent Student Schools

SIMS Parent App - A convenient way to communicate with parents

The SIMS Parent app allows schools to easily communicate with parents and students. Engaging parents is simpler as attendance data, behaviour, homework reminders, school reports and information about extra-curricular activities is all accessible from a smart phone, tablet or PC, and can be customised to suit your school.

SIMS InTouch - Two-way communication

Good communication is key to a school running effectively. SIMS InTouch provides you with a complete school communication solution. Send email, text and instant messages directly from SIMS. It’ll help you to reduce administration, save time and money, improve parental engagement and ensure staff are always up-to-date.

Coming soon - our new online payment solution

Powerful features

Access homework tasks and help quickly Students can access homework tasks, submit work and receive feedback on their efforts through the app.
Timetabling Timetable alerts help students know where they’re meant to be and when.
Progress reports Pupils can check on their progress and work on any areas of weakness that are flagged up in their teacher reviews.
Sign up to extra-curricular activities Alongside their timetable pupils can also sign up to and stay informed of the latest events and after school activities on offer.

It's important that schools can easily communicate with students. The SIMS Student apps is a great way for schools to send alerts to keep students engaged and informed, from reminding them of upcoming school play, to congratulating them on high score achieved for their homework.

David Simpson, Product Manager, SIMS


Discover more about Parental Engagement for students

Why Parental Engagement has to be an All-School Journey

Driving Parental Engagement through the SIMS Parent app