We’ve kicked off 2025 with some exciting updates in SIMS Next Gen, delivering real benefits for teachers, senior leaders, and office staff. From additional SEND/ALN information to powerful new Conduct Dashboards, our latest modules and features are helping schools save time, improve visibility, and make data-driven decisions.
Teachers and leaders will now have access to Conduct Dashboards, providing a clear, data-driven view of behaviour trends across your school. We’ve also made key improvements to Conduct Events, allowing you to export behaviour reports and track patterns more effectively. Meanwhile, SENDCos and school staff will benefit from new SEND/ALN tools in the Pupil Profile, ensuring crucial student support information is always accessible when needed.
For office teams, our brand-new Meals section within the Pupil Profile makes it easier than ever to track allergies, dietary preferences, and free meal entitlements - helping schools support pupil wellbeing more effectively.
Let’s jump into what’s new!
For All School Staff:
Enhancements to Pupil Profile – SEND/ALN
Supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or Additional Learning Needs (ALN) comes with its challenges, but having the right tools makes a real difference.
We've added key enhancements to the Pupil Profile, ensuring that SENDCos, ALNCos, and school staff have the right information at the right time:
- View and update additional support areas carried over from SIMS7.
- Access a new SEND/ALN Log, exclusive to SIMS Next Gen, where SENDCos/ALNCos can record detailed, tailored information about a pupil’s needs.
- Highlight critical notes so they appear in key areas like Class View and Pupil Profile.

For Teachers:
New features in Conduct Events
Since launching Conduct Events last term, we’ve been listening to your feedback and have introduced two key improvements to help you manage behaviour more effectively.
Export conduct events
Need to analyse behaviour trends or prepare reports for meetings? You can now export conduct event data directly from the Conduct Event overview page:
- Download detailed reports for quick analysis and sharing.
- Access additional data fields not visible in the dashboard.
- Generate structured reports for leadership teams or safeguarding discussions.
- Retrieve all key information in one file for offline review.
Save class when creating or updating conduct events
When recording a conduct event, you can now save the associated class, helping you track patterns and improve intervention strategies:
- Understand behaviour trends at the class level.
- Spot recurring issues and act early.
- Ensures events are linked to the correct class automatically.
- Helps teachers and leaders tailor classroom management strategies.
For Teachers and Senior Leaders:
NEW Conduct Dashboards
All your behaviour data, all in one place - giving you instant visibility to track trends, spot issues, and take proactive action to support your students. Key benefits:
- See an overview of positive and negative behaviour across your school at a glance.
- Drill down into behaviour by class, year group, or individual student.
- Quickly generate reports for leadership discussions, safeguarding, or parent meetings.

For Office Staff:
New ‘Meals’ section in Pupil Profile
We’ve added a dedicated ‘Meals’ section in the Pupil Profile, displaying allergies alongside an expanded meal preferences area to support pupil wellbeing. We are also recording free school milk and free school meal initiatives – new to SIMS Next Gen. What's new:
- Food allergies – Quickly check allergies that could impact a pupil’s dietary options.
- Dietary preferences – Record and view meal preferences so teachers can access them easily.
- Free school milk eligibility – View which pupils are entitled to free school milk.
- Universal Free School Meals (UFSM/UPFSM) – See eligibility criteria and log any exceptions.
Admins can track status and usage of dietary preferences in the Admin Console.

Useful links
Thank you!
As always, thank you for your dedication to improving educational outcomes. Whether you’re in the classroom, the office, or the boardroom, you’re making a difference every day, and we're honoured to support you in your mission.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the months ahead!